Return on Investment

Return on Investment

Ensuring Return on Investment
The solution will be an investment in money and in time. The challenge is to ensure that the solution provides a Return on investment which is commercially viable. It needs to provide efficiencies in the short, medium and long term which outweigh the cost of implementation and licenses.

From the trial through to implementation, it is important that the change is communicated effectively. This can be through briefings, correspondence and content on the solution.

Training should cater for a wide audience and varying learning styles. Following training it is important that continuous support is provided.

Transfer of Information
Getting information from site back to the project team requires a lengthy admin process creating inefficiencies.

Spiralling Project Issues
Mounting issues on a project means that a ‘Firefighting’ approach is taken. Most proactive planning processes go out of the window.

Defect Close Out
Dispute over defects found on projects mean that re-works required push completion deadlines and increase costs.

Implementing Software into your business and projects can have its challenges.
We are looking at the challenges presented from different areas of a business and how they can be managed successfully by implementing software.

Trial Period
Gives you an opportunity to use the solution in a live environment to see how it aligns with your business.

Definitive Costs
Ensure all costs and associated costs are defined and accounted for.

ROI Calculation
Calculate the cost of the solution vs the savings generated.
Implementing change within a business and projects can be a real challenge. Changing existing practices and proposing new ways of doing things can meet resistance.
Implementing software can be equally challenging. With team members having varying levels of exposure to technology and its use. It is key that all areas are covered by the solution provider.

Time to implement

Time to implement
The time to implement software within your business and projects requires a time and cost investment upfront. It is critical that the solution provider understands your business requirements and can adapt to your needs to provide the correct level of support.

Differing shift patterns, transient workforce means that flexibility during implementation is crucial. A robust implementation plan will cater for all the workforce and provide flexibility due to the nature of the industry.

Continuous support should be available following implementation. Online training content, technical support and ongoing communication are key to a successful and long lasting relationship with the solution provider.

Team members
Each Team member will have different user experiences with the solution. It is important that training and support can be easily adapted for the different needs and requirements of the team.

Integrate with current systems
By the solution integrating with widely used systems and practices, it will help to ensure buy in from the team who can start to realise the benefits of the solution instantly.
Time to implement

Challenges of Implementing Software

How is implementing Censite different?
With an industry background we have experienced firsthand the challenges and have a tailored approach to Implementation depending on the companies requirements and characteristics.
We will look at the challenges we outlined earlier and how implementing Censite will overcome them.

The Swiss army knife of onsite apps
Censite has been developed to cover as many of the project and site processes in one easy to use app. No more signing in and out of multiple apps to do different things. Censite is your onsite Swiss Army knife.

Measurable Return on Investment
The features of Censite allow you to easily compare the time and cost savings against your current paper-based systems. Censite empowers the members of your projects team to undertake tasks in seconds which would have previously taken days.

Staged Implementation
Our staged implementation process means we have various touch points with all members of your team at frequent intervals. It ensures that all users are comfortable with using Censite and any questions can be answered quickly.

Full on site and remote support 24/7
We have full support based in the UK to pick up any issues which are raised. Our Account Management team book in regular feedback sessions and site visits to ensure we provide a great service to our clients.

Censite set up before Implementation Day
Prior to implementation your Censite account will be set up along with all required users. We will even digitise your most used forms so that you can use Censite straight ‘out of the box’ following an implementation session.

User Focused
Coming from the rail and construction industry, our key goal when developing Censite was making it easy to use for our clients. You can easily get up to speed with the app and begin digitising your site processes in a short timescale.